As our trip to Mon­tréal nears, Heather (my girl­friend) and I have been stu­diously keep­ing track of the places that we would like to explore. One thing is for sure, we are going to be more than pre­pared because we are using google fusion tables. May it be a raved about restau­rant or a gro­cery store that is clos­est to our hotel, we have every place of inter­est acces­si­ble online as a map or in tab­u­lar format.

Google Fusion Tables

Google Fusion Tables (GFT) pro­vides a user-friendly plat­form, which makes use of the exten­si­ble Google API Labs, for stor­ing, shar­ing, query­ing and visu­al­iz­ing data. One of the many usages include visu­al­iz­ing data tables as an over­lay of point infor­ma­tion in the Google Maps API. For exam­ple, a data table that con­tains geocod­able infor­ma­tion (addresses or x/y coor­di­nates) can be visu­al­ized on top of a Google Maps base layer as point markers.

I would like to quickly go through how Heather and I have used GFTs to pre­pare a list and map of points of inter­ests (POI) for our trip to Mon­tréal, with hopes that it pro­vides some guid­ance in using GFTs for any project you may have.

Where do we begin?

Many of you will have your own pre­ferred word pro­cess­ing soft­ware (OOo, MS Office, etc), which prob­a­bly includes a spread­sheet cre­ator and edi­tor (OOo Spread­sheets, MS Office Excel, etc). This tuto­r­ial will not be using any pro­pri­etary soft­ware as such, but rather it will make use of the Google Docs API to cre­ate and edit our spread­sheet. By using a Google prod­uct to cre­ate our spread­sheet we will notice later on in the tuto­r­ial that the Google API makes it very easy to work seam­lessly between their mul­ti­ple prod­uct platforms.

I will have to assume just one thing:

  1. have a Google Account (GMAIL qual­i­fies as one)

This tuto­r­ial will accom­plish the following:

  • set up a spread­sheet that includes the nec­es­sary and rel­e­vant infor­ma­tion needed to cre­ate a pow­er­ful GFT
  • import spread­sheet into GFT and process for visualization
  • visu­al­ize our data and pro­duce effec­tive web maps of our ‘points of interest’

Let's Get Started

  • login to your Google Account and pro­ceed to the ‘Google Docs’ sec­tion by choos­ing the ‘Doc­u­ments’ as listed in the top left hand cor­ner (… listed as Mail, Cal­en­dar, Doc­u­ments, Sites, Video, more). OR pro­ceed to and login there.
  • if you have no doc­u­ments cre­ated it will look sim­i­lar to what I have below:

  • select ‘Cre­ate new’ and choose Spreadsheet
  • make sure to save the new spread­sheet once it loads with an appro­pri­ate name by select­ing ‘File > Save’

Google Docs Spread­sheets have intu­itively pre­pared the spread­sheet for us with the first row des­ig­nated for head­ings. We will use the first row to input some com­mon head­ings of items that are use­ful when prepar­ing for a trip as well as the head­ings that are nec­es­sary to make our GFT mappable.

The head­ings I have used are:

  • Name
  • Type {of establishment}
  • Address
  • Near­est Metro Station
  • Notes

Here is what it might look like after some rudi­men­tary styling and a sin­gle entry:

Please make note of how I have for­mated the Address entry. It must fol­low the typ­i­cal address geocod­ing stan­dard (ie. Num­ber, Street, Region) to pro­duce an accu­rate result. Remem­ber that our results will only be as good as our data so make sure to input your addresses correctly!

After a lit­tle bit of work and orga­ni­za­tion you will have some­thing that you can map. Shown below is an exam­ple of what Heather and I have put together for our trip. Remem­ber to save frequently!

  • save one last time and then visit
  • select ‘New Table > Import table’
  • select ‘Google Spreadsheet’
  • select your recently cre­ated Spread­sheet and choose ‘select’
  • if this is the first time you are using Google Fusion Tables you will need to ‘Grant Access’ to GFT
  • ~repeat the selec­tion process a sec­ond time if this is the case
  • note: if Google Fusion Tables fails to import the spread­sheet the first time, please repeat the process (GFT is still a Lab that is being devel­oped there­fore we may encounter some glitches/hiccups)
  • if all goes well, GFT will ask you if the for­mat­ting of your table is in line with the GFT stan­dard. We can be sure that it is because we used Google Spread­sheets, which des­ig­nates the first row as the col­umn name field
  • select ‘Next’ and fill out the form using appro­pri­ate val­ues for the name, copy­right (if any) and description
  • to map our data select ‘Visu­al­ize > Map’ and let Google Fusion Tables geocode the Address column

The map itself is shown in a page with a large header that allows some manip­u­la­tion of your under­ly­ing data. How­ever, if you are just map­ping points of inter­est like Heather and I are, you would be most inter­ested in see­ing a fullscreen map. Zoom into the area that dis­plays your data and select ‘get embed­d­a­ble link’. From the iframe code, select and copy the url por­tion (less the “”) and book­mark for safe keep­ing. This url will link you to a fullscreen map of your Google Fusion Table pow­ered map. Also, dont for­get to play around with the styles so make your map unique and more eas­ily readable!

Check out our map below:

Click me!

One last note:

To be able to share your map with the world it must be clas­si­fied as Pub­lic or Unlisted. Both of these options can be adjusted in the Google Fusion Tables ‘share’ set­tings (upper right hand cor­ner) of the table you are edit­ing. If you are using a Google Apps for/ busi­ness account or alike, please make sure you adjust your Google Docs set­tings in the Domain Man­age­ment > Set­tings area of your account.


If you would like to sug­gest any­thing in regards to the tuto­r­ial, or if you would like to sug­gest a place that Heather and I should visit in Mon­tréal, please feel free to post a com­ment below!

If this post helped you and you enjoy my site I would hap­pily accept Lite­coin dona­tions:

Thank you!

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