Aug 222011

An inter­est­ing form of car­tog­ra­phy to say the least! Typographic maps have been around for some time, and only recently was I exposed to the con­cept. Per­haps my favourite (and quoted by many) are the maps pro­duced by Axis Maps. They pro­duce some of the most jaw-dropping typo­graphic rep­re­sen­ta­tions of cities that I have ever seen. I par­tic­u­larly like their use of white space (and by use, I mean there isn’t much white space left untouched!). Which leads me to the point of this post. I have been toy­ing with the idea of pro­duc­ing some sort of typo­graphic map and you can see my pre­lim­i­nary result here. Can you iden­tify what I am try­ing to map? I hope to refine my method­ol­ogy and pro­duce some­thing wor­thy for print. Also, once I com­plete the tuto­r­ial on using Open­StreetMap data, I may look into writ­ing a tuto­r­ial for cre­at­ing a sim­ple (yet inher­ently com­plex) typo­graphic map.

As a side note, Car­togram­mer put out a call for all tuto­ri­als on August 1, so that may push me to com­plete both tuto­ri­als for sub­mis­sion! If there is any­thing you specif­i­cally would like to see, let me know by send­ing an email or leav­ing a com­ment below.

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