Life as a grad stu­dent, as many of you already know, is a con­stant bat­tle with com­plet­ing assign­ments on time, keep­ing up the grades for future fund­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties and get­ting enough sleep. My first semes­ter in the Mas­ter of Spa­tial Analy­sis pro­gram is near­ing its end in what seems like the short­est semes­ter of school I’ve ever taken. Dur­ing this time I have had the plea­sure to strengthen some of my skills in the R lan­guage for sta­tis­ti­cal com­put­ing for the pur­pose of water qual­ity trend analy­sis (SA8904GIS Project Man­age­ment). This post will show how I have used R for water qual­ity trend analy­sis, using pub­li­caly avail­able data from the USGS (due to a NDA that pro­hibits me to share my school work).

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Hi every­one!

For the past 6 months I have been work­ing hard to get you a lim­ited edi­tion print of the global flights. I am very excited to release this print in a run of 50, signed and numbered.

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