Sta­tis­ti­cally speak­ing, the Global Flight Paths images are my most rec­og­nized and shared pieces of work and even more so since they went viral and media crazy over the past week. The BBC News reported over 1 mil­lion UK-based vis­i­tors had read the story on their web­site and over 15,000 social shares were recorded. The BBC News also tweeted this story to over 1.5 mil­lion twit­ter fol­low­ers, which in turn retweeted the link to their many mil­lions of fol­low­ers. If any­one has a way to aggre­gate and quan­tify these tweet+retweet sta­tis­tics I would be more than happy to explore.

I am cur­rently wait­ing on licens­ing and prints infor­ma­tion from the pow­ers above me so please, if you are inter­ested in using the images or want­ing prints, kindly send me an email stat­ing so! Thank you and I will try my best to get back to every­one as quick as possible.

Some other inter­est­ing stats:

  One Response to “Hold tight everyone!”

  1. Hello Mike,

    My name is Steven and I read the sto­ries about your Global Flight Paths images on Twit­ter. These pic­tures look aston­ish­ingly beau­ti­ful and I was won­der­ing if there was a way to get the orig­i­nal images?



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