

I am pleased to present the fol­low­ing col­lec­tion of works that undoubt­edly show my con­fi­dence of skills in the fields of GIS analy­sis and web-mapping. Here you will find a series of authored works that have been com­pleted as part of a vari­ety of pro­fes­sional con­tracts, aca­d­e­mic work expe­ri­ence and per­sonal inter­est projects. If you seek more detail, please feel free to con­tact me with regards to any of the projects listed below.


Mapping-Out Windfarm Viewsheds

Map 1

Map 2

Pur­pose: The work attempts to pro­vide greater infor­ma­tion about the cumu­la­tive effects of wind tur­bines in the Scot­tish land­scape, such as how many tur­bines are vis­i­ble, how much of them can be seen given the ter­rain and exactly big they look.

Details: The Scot­tish land­scape is plagued by sprout­ing wind­farm devel­op­ments, which promises to increase due to recent tar­gets of 100% sus­tain­abil­ity by 2020, set by the Scot­tish National Party. In an attempt to pro­vide greater under­stand­ing of how the wind­farms affect the Scot­tish nat­ural land­scape, we uti­lize var­i­ous spa­tial GIS tools to iden­tify the extent of vis­i­bil­ity of wind­farms in the coun­try­side. By iden­ti­fy­ing the extent of vis­i­bil­ity (Map 1) of all wind­farms in Scot­land, we are then able to reverse engi­neer the view­shed to iden­tify the low­est impact zones (Map 2) for fur­ther development.

Scope: This work is part of ongo­ing research that aims to guide pol­icy and deci­sion mak­ing with regards to wind­farm devel­op­ment in Scot­land. Feel free to con­tact me if you would like more detailed project information.

Analy­sis and Car­tog­ra­phy by Steve Carver and Michael Marki­eta of the Wild­land Research Insti­tute. © Wild­land Research Insti­tute, 2011.



Census-Driven Maps

Pur­pose: This web map­ping appli­ca­tion was cre­ated by Michael Marki­eta and pre­sented to Ryer­son Uni­ver­sity in par­tial ful­fill­ment for the require­ments of Pro­fes­sional Geo­g­ra­pher (GEO871), a cap­stone course of the Geo­graphic Analy­sis pro­gram. It is an inter­ac­tive web-based map­ping tool that pro­vides users with access to a geo­vi­sual rep­re­sen­ta­tion of the Cana­dian 2011 Cen­sus of the Population.

Details: This research project uti­lizes the Leaflet JavaScript library to pro­duce an inter­ac­tive web-mapping tool, which aims to visu­al­ize the recently released Sta­tis­tics Canada 2011 Cen­sus of the Pop­u­la­tion. The data is hosted in an open-source cloud-based geospa­tial data­base, Car­toDB, which serves our data stor­age and retrieval needs. Car­toDB is based on the Post­greSQL data­base and spa­tial exten­sion Post­GIS, which uti­lizes SQL and a vari­ety of other tools. The jQuery JavaScript library pro­vides the inter­ac­tiv­ity between the user and map environments.

©2012 Michael Marki­eta http://www.spatialanalysis.ca/projects/census-app.html



A Locally Weighted Human Influence Index



Map Overlay and Opacity Tool v2.0